The Moment of the Rose

Welcome to my garden with hues of magenta, quin gold, crimson and colbalt blue. You will find yourself among the roses of my life; meaningful people, paintings, words of enlightenment and truths.

Let's find a bench in the shade where we can talk. You are part of my completion and hopefully I am yours. Let's take time to smell the flowers and throw them once in awhile in appreciation and indebtedness. You have adorned my garden. I am most thankful.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Flowers and Hues, Mixed Medium

I started this morning believing I could add one painting and meaningful words every day to this blog. A friend of mine purposed to write a poem a day, and that was five years ago. She has written 1,825 poems since she made that commitment. It pressed on me if I was going to log in all my art, I needed to be focused and make time for a job which could be overwhelming. Also sufficient is the fresh thoughts of that day. Tomorrow they are gone.

 I havent' wanted to take time for an essential task like this, but it is part of today. Don't ask me why it is, except I know it is for purpose. I am not sure the purpose, I could name you several reasons, but I know I haven't discovered the reason yet and won't until it is done. The things we do today will lend towards tomorrow's success.

I have sold many of my paintings, lost many and gave away bunches. Have I kept good records? No.
I have encouragaed others to compile their writings, make a book, register their work  but I haven't done it myself. I've made a few feeble attempts over the years but my art is always changing location and gone.

It's always been in my heart to write a book with my paintings, I've always wanted to write why I painted a certain subject. I need to have a working catalogue for buyers and galeries. Also marketing comes into this process.  Also these are good reasons, but purpose is something else.

Flowers and Hues, Mixed Medium
Petal Tips! I painted this floral in watercolor on a 300# paper, then I added white acrlic and then oils to it. I love the direction of the strokes, strong colors and the subject.

The brushes are standing in a blue clay jar in front of the subject. The brushes are not the focus, but where they are pointing is important. The tubes of paint are placed where the circle is continued back to the brushes.

The focal point is the big sunflower in the center and is reaching forward to be enjoyed.

Meanderings~~~~~!There are those flowers in the garden of life that stand out among the others. It could be for a short time or grow into a long lasting friendship.

Life seems to point to them because we need something they have to offer. Maybe it is just learning focus like my friend, the poet who has written a poem of day. She pointed a way for me to walk.

As I walk through this garden of flowers, I am brought back to things I did yesterday which are blessing me today.

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