The Moment of the Rose

Welcome to my garden with hues of magenta, quin gold, crimson and colbalt blue. You will find yourself among the roses of my life; meaningful people, paintings, words of enlightenment and truths.

Let's find a bench in the shade where we can talk. You are part of my completion and hopefully I am yours. Let's take time to smell the flowers and throw them once in awhile in appreciation and indebtedness. You have adorned my garden. I am most thankful.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Apples in Gold

"Words fitly spoken are like Apples in a golden pitcher." Anytime I paint apples in a gold bowl or a gold plate, I remember these words that Solomon penned.

Our words mixed with faith are gold to anyone who is ready to hear what the Spirit says. Another proverb says that "Truth uttered will be heard throughout Eternity." I count on words of truth written will be around after I am gone. They will stay for the next generation and the next, if we have fitly spoken them.

Apples in God Oil 24X40
 Petal Tips! I painted a series of oversize paintings in oil on canvas. The surface is very smooth. This particular painting I applied thin coats of oil paint. I painted the white canvas with a pink gesso. I don't know if they make a pink gesso, but I just add some red acrylic into the white gesso and water to give a smooth finish. I will put five coats of gesso on first. Some people will sand it will a fine piece of sandpaper, I don't. 

I paint the canvas with pink I do this because I don't want to contend with the white, but also, the pink will be a back illumination. It's amazing when you put on a transparent paint such as Aliziar Crimson, how the under painting comes out.

I first blocked it in oil over the pink gesso, then I painted the shadows and the gold inside the apples for highlight. I worked from a scale in value from 3 to 10, the lightest being on the gold bowl in the background. A stark white reflection would have stood out like a sore thumb. I continued to apply thin coats of paint until I painted it the way I wanted it.This thin paint enhances the under painting which is just the sizing in pink gesso.

If you notice in the triangle, (just left in the bottom of the bowl), I painted it purple, the complement to gold. I needed to bring out the lip of the bowl to give that three dimension.  I placed a shadow on the left of the front apple to add to the dimension. The purple along side the gold brings the bowl forward, tricking the eye.

The thing that makes this painting electrifying is the polyurethane I painted on it after it had completely dried. I applied about 5 coats and it sunk the image deep into the canvas and the shine is beautiful.

Meanderings~~~~ Words fitly spoken. How often do we speak words that are needed and fit for the situation? I think a lot of our words just go into thin air. Once in awhile, we say something that we have no idea the impact it had on someone. They will say later, "When you said such and such, it touched my heart." 

I am thinking to myself, I didn't say that, I wished I had. When the ear is ready to hear, those words that the heart needs will hear them, even if the Lord has to change them around a bit, for the hearer.

It is a mystery how the Spirit works for us, in us and around about us. Our best shot is to surrender to the one who inhabits Eternity. In Isaiah it says, I'm paraphrasing, The high and lofty One will dwell in us if we have a contrite spirit and a broken heart. He will meet us in that high and lofty place and dwell in us there.

I am believing when I speak words of spirit and truth, my words will meet people in those high and lofty places in God. .So words fitly spoken is when God speaks through us.They are like apples in gold.

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