The Moment of the Rose

Welcome to my garden with hues of magenta, quin gold, crimson and colbalt blue. You will find yourself among the roses of my life; meaningful people, paintings, words of enlightenment and truths.

Let's find a bench in the shade where we can talk. You are part of my completion and hopefully I am yours. Let's take time to smell the flowers and throw them once in awhile in appreciation and indebtedness. You have adorned my garden. I am most thankful.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Whites (14X18 Watercolor)

Good afternoon, These whites could be anything.  I 'm not sure what they call these, but I know I love to paint white flowers. They paint themselves.

Whites (14X18 watercolor)

These whites are shaped like  bugles. I guess they could be called  morning glories. There are many things in life we can not identify, but we see something that draws our attention to paint. It is like Moses and the burning bush. He turned aside just for a second and he saw something that stopped him. When he looked on  the burning bush, he met with God. God's beauty is so inconspicuous that we miss the simple beauty of  a white flower.  I painted them in a very easy way. No fuss, no muss.

Petal Tips!  Draw out the shapes of the flowers with a pencil. Make them ragged or scalloped, they need to have a loose appearance. Paint the background first. I chose purple and green in the background because I knew I would be adding yellow centers. Again, it is pushing colors. Yellow is the compliment to purple and I allowed some yellow for the stems.

Also, give your background a direction.  What I mean is this. I am having the flowers coming from the right bottom and  with diagonial strrokes, I lean them to the left, giving the appearance the flowers are not just standing straight up, but are swaying to the left. There is very little background showing, but enough to give the flowers a direction.  

After you get the back ground in, leave the edges of the flowers white. Decide where the center is in the middle of the flower and how the flowers are leaning. If it is low, then the flower is tipped more forward. In the bottom of center of flower, put your dark color. It could be similar as to the background purple. Add yellow and yellowish orange.

The shadow on the top right is showing the bottom of the bugal. See how I cut the shadow along the line to show the white above.  I put a definite line up under the white and allowed it to be a gradual blen in the bud, making it rounded.

I wished I could be where I could show you with just a simple stroke.

I put a few veins coming from the outside into the center. Don't get too tight or you will lose the looseness of these flowers. Happy Painting.

Meanderings~~~~ I have found in life, the Spirit is not usually in the loud noises, the firecrackers, bells and whistles.  He quietly shows himself. That is what these white flowers do. They simply show themselves and reflect the true care of the caregiver, the One who made all of creation.

For years I wanted the goosebumps and something to say, "the Lord is in this place." He wanted me to see Him within my heart. We must  experience Him within and that is when, everwhere we look we see His beauty. It took years to understand how the Spirit of Christ comes within us when we yield to Him, surrender ourselves to Him, then He manifests Himself in us. Then we see the beauty without. That when a simple white flower will turn your head.

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