The Moment of the Rose

Welcome to my garden with hues of magenta, quin gold, crimson and colbalt blue. You will find yourself among the roses of my life; meaningful people, paintings, words of enlightenment and truths.

Let's find a bench in the shade where we can talk. You are part of my completion and hopefully I am yours. Let's take time to smell the flowers and throw them once in awhile in appreciation and indebtedness. You have adorned my garden. I am most thankful.

Monday, November 1, 2010

All Nature Sings

Good Morning, Wake up and smell the coffee. It's time to paint. There are many things going on in my garden; birds, bugs and creatures. And of course there are flowers, vegetables and fruit.  I painted a series of hummingbirds and thought I would add to the collection.

Petal Tips! I purposely painted this in an obscured way. It is as if all naturing is singing and vying for attention. The attention goes to the hummingbird, only because it stands out in contrast. It has black on its head and wings and body. Everything is much lighter in value. A painting must have a focal point otherwise, the eye will skip along around the painting trying to find something to land on. It's like the hummingbird, they are always flitting around, never resting. Good for the hummingbird, but not for a painting.

I wanted the light to dance off the objects also. I worked the paint so that the light and dark are interlaced in and around.  There is much movement and a certain movement pattern  in this painting, it is caused by the the light pattern. The only defined object is the hummingbird and the rest is used to support the hummingbird. In the next lesson, you will learn how to get the light and dark patterns.

Meanderings~~~~~There is so much going on in this crazy world we live in and just as much in my head. Unless, we learn to set a direction, a goal, a purpose, we will flit around like the hummingbird, looking for the brightest colors. Bright colors excite us for awhile, then we burnout, and usually in disappointment.Do you wonder if the hummingbird ever gets tired. There little wings move so fast they are in a blur.

With a million ideas in my head and many projects on my desk and drawing table, I have to bring my mind into submission of Christ. I have gone on many wild trails thinking it was perfect for what I needed and the thing that would bring me success.

I am now learning, there is only one flower who satisfies, He is the flower of the valley, His name is Jesus. From Him and his sustenance, I am able to bring into focus the necessary things of the day. Out of this surrender I am confident of the thing I am doing will be of benefit. It will have lasting results, because it comes out of the life of Christ. It might take twenty years to see the fruition, but when I do it in faith and am surrendered to the One who holds it all by the power of His Word, I can rest assured. What I am doing in the moment will be necessary and will lend to the next moment and the next. 

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