The Moment of the Rose

Welcome to my garden with hues of magenta, quin gold, crimson and colbalt blue. You will find yourself among the roses of my life; meaningful people, paintings, words of enlightenment and truths.

Let's find a bench in the shade where we can talk. You are part of my completion and hopefully I am yours. Let's take time to smell the flowers and throw them once in awhile in appreciation and indebtedness. You have adorned my garden. I am most thankful.

Monday, August 30, 2010

In Motion with a Sweet Tooth

Hummingbirds have a sweet tooth, I guess they really don't have teeth, just an appetite for sugar. If they are not busy sucking the nector from the flowers, we are inviting them in with extra sugar in a red feeder. When we see them, it seems like we have to stop what we are doing and just look. What is it about the huningbird that intriguqes us?

In Motion with a Sweet Tooth  (Mixed Medium 16X20)
I painted a series of humingbirds and butterflies. I used a different technique on this series. I started with a canvas, gessoed it with pink tint. I like to do that because when the other paints are applied, the glow from that underpaint comes through. I drew the image loosely in acrylic paint. Remember you can always use water base paints on each other, (acrylics, gesso or watercolors), but once you switch to oils, you can not go back with the water products.

Hidden (Mixed Medium 11X 14)
Petal Tips! I laid down an old doily and sprayed the painting with different colors,(I used Krylon spray paint). It gave the feeling of small feathers on the breast and hazy flowers in the background.. The colors dried within ten mintues, then I began applying oil paints in short strokes developing the design. If you notice the head and the lightest light in the little yellow flower in the left hand corner are detailed and they brings your eye to the most important place on the canvas. Also, I wanted to keep the fast motion of the butterfly, so I used the motion in the background to indicate it was stirring up wind. This was done in short strokes with oil paint with lots of medium.

You could miss the hummingbird in this second painting. All the red is up in the left hand corner. His head and the flower is in different shades of red. There are subtle lines that leads the eye to the bird.

Happy Painting.
Meanderings~~~~~ Maybe the hummingbird  makes us stop from the busyness of life and look. We need more hummingbirds in our lives. What other small things seem to draw us away into God's goodness? Maybe a kind gesture or a smile or just a thank you. It's amazing how little it takes to see the glory of God.


  1. Ohhhhhh, I love this Betty!!!! Beautiful.

  2. Betty I am so thrilled to become a new follower. My husband and I are hummingbird watchers. We have a feeder outside the kitchen window so we watch while at the sink, but especially enjoy the feeded outside the family room window. We can see the antics as they feed and "guard" the feeder. The past couple of weeks we seem to have some young hummers and there has been much dancing in the evening. God is so good to provide these retirees with such beauty and wonder just outside our window. Thank you for your insights into God's World.

    Have a God Filled Day
