The Moment of the Rose

Welcome to my garden with hues of magenta, quin gold, crimson and colbalt blue. You will find yourself among the roses of my life; meaningful people, paintings, words of enlightenment and truths.

Let's find a bench in the shade where we can talk. You are part of my completion and hopefully I am yours. Let's take time to smell the flowers and throw them once in awhile in appreciation and indebtedness. You have adorned my garden. I am most thankful.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Impression of beauty (Mixed Med - Impressionist)

I picked you a flower today from my garden of impressionism. Impressionism does not look at form but liquid, not structure but feeling.

Years ago I had a friend who had a dark brown birthmark on the whole side of her face. Maxine was witty, clever, fun and she was a wonderful friend. I introduced Maxine to another friend. This friend said, "I was appalled, you should have told me about the birthmark, I couldn't help but stare. I made a fool of myself. You should have told me."

I just remembered my reaction, "I forgot she had it."

Impression of beauty 4"X5"
I think this is the way of impressionist art, we are not looking at the form, but the feeling. That feeling of beauty of how it affects us.   

This little painting carries so much feeling. I don't know if it is the movement or the color, but I love it.

Petal Tips! This started out as an old watercolor on 300# paper, I cut the paper up into small shapes. I looked at the original painting and looked for something I could build on. I saved the rose on the right side and took white acrylic and started making curved lines up the side.  I needed to do something that would pull the flower into the painting, so I made strokes as big as the flowers, It works. The flower actually leans into the curved lines and fills the space.

I needed to bring in some dark just to keep it from looking flat. The dark in the left hand corner adds another dimension, like there is a background behind it.

Meanderings~~~~What can we learn from this painting? It started out on a used piece of paper, but there was an impression of a flower that remained. It was off-centered, small and of little consequences. But anything in the Master Artist's  hands can flourish. The Master knows exactly how to build the painting around the lone flower.  He knows how to draw it back into society, (the other things around it). Nothing is lost in the Master's hands and nothing is lost in our hands if we have the mind of Christ. We can find beauty in ashes. .  


  1. Moving from art to commentary - beyond words - just like good impressionism.

  2. Yes, to stay liquid is what we should be striving for. Form should melt into liquid.
