The Moment of the Rose

Welcome to my garden with hues of magenta, quin gold, crimson and colbalt blue. You will find yourself among the roses of my life; meaningful people, paintings, words of enlightenment and truths.

Let's find a bench in the shade where we can talk. You are part of my completion and hopefully I am yours. Let's take time to smell the flowers and throw them once in awhile in appreciation and indebtedness. You have adorned my garden. I am most thankful.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

In the Light (Watercolor - full sheet)

This time of the year, we are beginning to bring in our Geraniums for winter and lining my 20 foot studio window box with them. Come late Spring they go back out, but these are a wonderful excuse to paint flowers in the winter while they are in my studio. Everything else is under four feet of snow, but these keep blooming all year inside. I love painting them and I paint them in every shade of red, pink, orange, and crimson. The flower makes up of a lot of little flowers and are painted as one.

In the Light (Watercolor - full sheet)
Petal Tips! I take my No. 6 brush, make little squiggles in a circle. Then I drop water into them and the paint fuses together. I open up the surrounding area about 1/4 inch  with clean water. Whereever the water is, it creates a boundary and the paints can not go past that.  That process is called  opening a passage, or way of passage. The intent for this is to soften the outside circle and gives it a feeling of sun coming through and having the  roundness with depth.

I have used this painting idea  many times as an art lesson at Wynham Activity Cente, Pagosa Springs, CO where I teach a watercolor class. This will be one of the lessons that will apepar on my Youtube under The Betty Slade Channel and you will be able to download it. I am in the process of developing it. But for today, I am enjoying walking through this garden with you; showing you some of my favorites. I have purposed to pick one flower painting a day and catalogue it onto my Blog. 

Before my art gets away, I made a serious commitment and effort in logging and catagorizing all my paintings and so this is what I am doing and I am including you in this walk through my Garden of Hues

There is a lot of white in the right hand corner.  The reason it works so well, I have brought the one gernamium from the left side of the painting across to the right side.  This painting is heavy on the left, but the flower pulls the weight to the other side.

Blessed are the hands which paint beautiful things.

Meanderings~ ~~  I call this In The Light because of all the light in the background. When we walk with Jesus, every day is a Sonshining Day. Some times we have to peer through the clouds to see the sun, but He has promised the sun to us everyday so whether it hides itself  behind clouds, it is still shining.


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